Keep summer going! 15 tips to lift your spirits
Although it might be feeling slightly autumnal, summer is a good time to develop some healthy habits. Here are some tips to lift your spirits and give your wellbeing a boost. Get out into the light and soak up some vitamin D which helps regulate the stress hormone.
Lifestyle 3 min read

Top tips on what to start, stop and continue doing this New Year
There are many reasons, of course, why New Year’s Resolutions end up falling by the wayside. Too often, we focus on the goal itself, without taking care of the process that’s required on an ongoing basis to get us there. Or we go for things in which our heart isn’t fully invested, maybe what we feel we should be doing. Here coaching expert Aodan Enright looks at things we should stop, start and continue this New Year.
Lifestyle 3 min read

Finding your flow and other inspiring thoughts from the Pendulum Summit.
The best leaders are those that are open to new ideas and inspiration can come from anywhere. This year, our Corporate Sales Manager Joe Sherlock was inspired by his attendance at the Pendulum Summit, described by organisers as “The world's leading business & self-empowerment summit”. Here’s what he learned.
Lifestyle 2 min read