Exercise Articles

Our partners Breakthrough Cancer Research bring you 8 steps to lowering your risk of Cancer #mysmallchange
Fundraising Director and Scientist Orla Dolan describes how some lifestyle changes such as diet, nutrition, exercise, limiting alcohol, avoiding processed foods and more can all help to reduce your risk of cancer. Short tips included in VIDEO.
Health 3 min read

Restoring the Balance - International Men’s Health Week 2020
June 15th 2020 marks the beginning of International Men’s Health Week. The Men’s Health Forum in Ireland have put forward a theme for the week - Restoring the Balance. In this blog, David Bergin, a Health Promotion Officer with Spectrum.Life and laya healthcare, gives some practical advice.
Health 3 min read

Working from home? Here are some exercises to help with neck strain
Brian Crinnion a Chartered Physiotherapist working in partnership with Spectrum Life and Laya Healthcare. shows you how to set up your office to help create a comfortable working enviromnent in this short video. He also discusses the top 5 pitfalls to avoid.
Health 3 min read

How to stretch from a chair in a yoga pose called "pigeon pose"
With many people working from home due to Covid-19(coronavirus) it's really important to move throughout the day. Pigeon pose is a yoga stretch you can do while sitting that will help release pressure and tightness. Learn how it can help with pain relief.
Lifestyle 4 min read

How can yoga breathing help your stress levels?
Due to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) situation, we are all in a highly stressful situation. Yoga teacher and therapist Jessica Hatchett teaches you some yoga breathing techniques that can help you reduce stress and anxiety. Watch this short VIDEO and do the exercise with her.
Lifestyle 3 min read

7 ways to get the most from the time you spend working out
We all lead incredibly busy lives and as the years go by, life just seems to get busier and busier! Therefore, when you do actually get time to work out, isn’t it a good idea to make sure you get the most from that session? whether it’s in the gym or out for a run here are some tips that will maximise the benefits you get from the session
Health 2 min read