Orla O’Callaghan
Orla O’ Callaghan is the Occupational Health Advisor on the laya healthcare health and wellness team. She qualified as a Registered General Nurse from the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) in 2009 and worked in London for three years. She graduated with MSc in Occupational Health from NUIG in 2012 and completed a traineeship with the European Agency for Safety and Health at work following this. She has a keen interest in workplace health promotion and in particular mental health awareness. She is currently studying counselling and psychotherapy in CIT. Although she lives in Cork her heart belongs to Co. Clare!
Top ten goals for better health in 2018
As another New Year rolls around, millions of us worldwide will make a New Year’s resolution to improve our lives. Many of these resolutions will commit us to making changes that promote a healthier lifestyle. Aside from making New Year’s resolutions, keeping them is equally as important. Orla O' Callaghan, our Occupational Health Advisor, suggests 10 long-term habit changes that could help you to become healthier and stay healthy in 2018.
Health 3 min read