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Laya Healthcare Concierge

Spotlight Feature - Laya Healthcare Concierge

Pen Róisín O’Dwyer Glasses 3 min read

Meet Róisín

What’s your role in laya healthcare?

My name is Róisín and I’m a Laya Healthcare Concierge Nurse. I’m part of a dedicated team of nurses who support laya healthcare members as they navigate our complex healthcare system, answering any health-related query they may have along the way. That could be as simple as ‘what does my diagnosis mean?’ or helping to answer questions around their treatment plans and options.


What qualifications do the Laya Healthcare Concierge team have?

Our team is made up of qualified nurses who have extensive clinical experience specialising in areas such as general nursing, paediatrics and midwifery. We’re also supported by consultant specialists who are part of our national and international medical advisory panels.


Why was the Laya Healthcare Concierge team created?

In recent years, we’re seeing more and more members getting in touch with us because they’re worried about their treatment and struggling to navigate the healthcare system. They are unsure where to turn when they need help with this. While the Customer Care team are always there to look after our members’ queries regarding the cover they have under their healthcare scheme, we felt that our members needed more support from experienced nurses to help put their minds at ease at times when they are vulnerable or need guidance.


How do you help members?

We can help in lots of different ways. Our core purpose is to guide our members through the healthcare system, but some specific areas we can help include:

  • Assisting members to make informed healthcare decisions. For example, a member may call us directly after they have received a diagnosis. We are here to listen and reassure them, pointing them in the right direction for their any treatment they may need
  • Cutting through medical jargon – we’re here to explain complex terminology and make everything really straightforward for our members
  • Explaining what you can expect when attending hospital for a procedure
  • Offering guidance to our members on how to access public versus private services in Ireland – and what the difference is between each
  • Sometimes, we can offer faster access to services.


What is the most common type of question you are asked?

Every day is different, and we receive a huge variety of different queries and requests for help. Some of the most common questions we are asked include:

  • Can you help me to get an appointment with a GP?
  • How do I get to see a Consultant?
  • Where can I access mental health support?
  • I just found out I am pregnant - what do I do now?
  • My child has a minor injury – where can I bring them for treatment that will avoid spending hours in A&E?
  • I was just diagnosed a life-changing illness. What do I do now?


Have you noticed a change in the questions you’re getting due to Covid?

We did notice an initial increase in calls on the topic of Covid-19, specifically around symptoms, how to get referred for a test, what self-isolation means, and advice on whether they can go to work or not.

At the moment, we’re seeing a lot of calls from members who need access to services. Things like needing to see a consultant, questions about procedure waiting times, and how to access mental health and wellbeing support. Private hospitals will be returning to normal from 1st July, so that’s great news for our members in terms of being able to access private services in private hospitals again.


What do you like about being a Concierge Nurse?

It’s really rewarding, but also challenging as every query is different. That keeps things interesting as we never know what the next call or email will bring.

When members call, they are often worried or vulnerable. Whether it’s explaining a diagnosis, getting them access to services they need, or just being a listening ear, I feel I can make such a difference. 


How can people get in touch with your team?

Our team is available to laya healthcare members aged 18+ Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. 

You can email or call 021 202 2893

To support our members during Covid-19, our Laya Healthcare Concierge service is available on all laya healthcare schemes at no additional cost until the end of August 2020.


Róisín O’Dwyer

Róisin is part of our team of Laya Healthcare Concierge Nurses. Registered with the nursing and midwifery board of Ireland as a registered general nurse, Róisín has 5 years post qualification experience in Ireland and Australia. While experienced in fast-paced medical environments, Róisín’s passion lies in looking after our members, always.